Monday, January 24, 2011

Damn You Pyrex Boy

So, alas, he is in my life again. Wait, is he? Ugh, I don't know, and that's a problem! For those who are wondering as to whom I am referring, read my last post. I think you will then understand... I am crazy about this boy. Crazy. Hopefully not the "bad shit crazy" kind of crazy. I don't want to be like that, but I am falling head over heels for this boy. I fully admit to it. He makes my heart race and my palms sweaty.  I am crazy for this guy.  Wow. I can't believe I am admitting this to myself. Yeesh, Reality check. Time to snap out of it. Why the sudden change, you ask?  Well, I plan on telling you. The good, the bad, and the truth. Buckle your seat belt. 

First off, before I share this story, I need to get this off my chest. He drives me crazy! Up the wall! He keeps me on my toes and he is literally the only guy I have ever dated that can make me speechless. I truly am never at a loss for words, yet he can stop me in my tracks.  Crap.

Okay, okay, okay, I'm getting to the story now. Well, as we all know, it's Monday. Meaning, we just ended the weekend. Meaning, some people like to go out and have a good time.  Well, pyrex boy found himself in my neck of the woods after deciding to nix a trip to Chi-town because of crappy weather. In my head, I want to think that he decided this, but as he described it, he was only the passenger in the car and he didn't make this decision. To this, I claim, falso! Or, at least, I wish... Thoughts?

He and his friend drove to EL to visit another friend that lives and works here.  Hint, his friend is a bartender at the Riv. Can anyone say FREE DRINKS?!? Anyway, after arriving in EL, he sends me a rather non-surprising text message, "Your Spartans aren't looking too great" followed by, "I'm in EL btw." Smooth real smooth.  Yep, those 2 text messages got my heart racing! So, he invited me out to the Riv, but my pride held me back. He had blown me off for the last couple times that we were supposed to meet, and I wasn't about to let that go, so I told him that I might make it out. I didn't. I went home, showered and climbed into bed at around 1 am.  Yep, he sends me a text right as I'm climbing into bed. Well, actually 2, the other one was sent while I was in the shower. 

He asked if I was asleep and I responded with "nope." Yeah, I'm that smooth. Not.  I then asked him what was up and he responded with, "Figuring out where to sleep." Once again, heart racing, palms sweaty. In my head, I'm thinking, "no, no, no. Don't give in!" buuuut my heart was screaming, "oh hells yeah!" Yep, I'm a girl...

I told him he was welcome here, and he said he needed a ride. No problem, I have a car.  I told him that I could pick he and his buddy up, and he said that his buddy didn't need a place to crash, just him. Yeah, this was turning into a booty call by the text. Yeah, I won't lie, I appreciate a good booty call as much as the next girl, but not when it's somebody I truly care about. So, I told him to let me know once he got back to his buddy's apartment.  Yep, he texted.  He told me to "Come over! Come hang!" Haha wow, he's a lush.

I asked where I was coming to pick him up at and he yet again shocked me, "you may not be picking me up! Come hang! I wanna see you!" Well, for a lush, he was good.  Well, he may be good at making me smile, but he sucks at giving directions while drunk! I kept asking for directions and he kept stalling. Yep, I got pissed and kind of flipped. Here's the text, "Omg... Dude, if you're just jerking me around here, then just tell me... I'm going to bed if  that's the case." He responds with just, "that's not the case." Blahhhhh a little more please!

He finally gave me an apartment complex.... Okay, maybe it's just me, but there should NOT be two DIFFERENT apartment complexes with the SAME name. I repeat SAME name.  One is easy to find, but the other, not so much... Guess which one pyrex boy was at... yeah, he was the hard to find one. I took 3 phone calls to him to finally get him to hand over the phone to his friend to give me directions. Oh, might I add that it is almost 3 am... Yeah, I really like this guy. Well, his EL bartender friend gets me to the correct apartment complex, and then he says something really interesting.  He told me that pyrex boy had been talking about me all night and couldn't wait to see me.  To which, I thought he was bullshitting me... He wasn't. Wow. Twisted fairy tale story much?

Anyway, I pick my lush up and take him to get some cigs... Yep, he smokes. I have never smoked anything in my life, and I honestly detest smoking. Oh well. He's adorable. Thank god for that pack of cigs because he opened up over one on my balcony.  He admitted to missing me, and that he had been avoiding me because he didn't want to get too attached or hurt.  He is truly the most honest boy I have ever dated.  Refreshing.  He was honest. Let me say it again, he was honest. Wow. 

So yeah, we went back inside and as I was trying to hide my face from him, he pulled me in and kissed me.  It was perfect, sweet and tender. Perfect.  And then, he kissed me again. Could it get even more perfect than the last? Yes. So yeah, after that we went into my room and I asked him if he was crashing with me or on the couch, and then he made me ask him to stay with me.  He made me ask. Words cannot describe how he can get me all flustered. He wanted to hear me ask him to stay with me.

I asked him to stay with me. He did. We laid in bed and we kept talking and talking and talking. We talked about us, and he told me how much he adored me, but he didn't want to get too attached because I was going to be gone for the summer. DAMN! But yeah, he held me tight and whispered in my hear calling me baby and sweetie.  Sigh.

Yep sooooo after all that talk we.... yeah... we had sex. Wow, I'm admitting this in a blog.  Sweet. Okay moving on. Yep, it was fantastic.

So then, we went to bed and slept and slept and slept.  Did I mention he was fighting a cold? No? Well, he was, so he apparently needed a lot of sleep.  When he woke up, he was still holding me and calling me baby and kissing me. Amazing. It wasn't the alcohol that made him so sweet. He actually cares.  Holy smokes.  So yeah, we spent the morning talking and cuddling and giving each other shit. I mean, that's the way we are.  We are the 2 biggest pains in the ass that I know.  Oh and then we had sex sober. Wow. Even better. Gosh, he's the stuff dreams are made of. 

Oh, and my dog even adores him.  Perfect.  So then we talked and I fed him some cold meds because he sounded like crap.  Just being honest... So then he slept some more.  At 1 in the afternoon, I woke him up, he took a shower, and I returned him to the apartment that I had picked him up at.

He kissed me goodbye and told me he missed me. What is that supposed to mean!?!?! Good grief!

An hour later he sent me this, "Great to see you. I'm happy you came and got me."

Wow. Just wow. So here I am, a day later, and I'm at a loss for words.  Where do we go now? What do I say? What do I do? Do I call? Do I text? I've been looking at his facebook all day. I've commented on his only status from the day... Yep, crazy. 

I am head over heels. I got my pyrex dish and gray shirt back, and I still can't get my mind off him.  I went out on 2 dates with an incredible guy, but I felt nothing for him. Pyrex boy is stealing my heart. Gosh.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dating Disaster: Part 1

Well, after watching the lastest episode of 16 and Pregnant, I feel compelled enough to write a new post... First off, I am incredibly thankful for the life I have. After watching the dysfunctional lives of these teenage girls on 16 and Pregnant, I can honestly say that I don't have the worst dating life ever.  However, I do commend all of the girls on that show for their bold choices, and I truly hope that everything turns out for those young girls and their babies...

Okay, now, on a much lighter note, let's get back to my dating disasters... No, none of them have led to me bearing a child... sorry. I have struggled on how I want to share my dating stories... I think I will start with my most recent dating blunder and then move on in a chronological fashion. Sound good? Oh who am I kidding, I don't care if you like the way I format my blog...

So, my most recent dating catastrophe did indeed lead me to starting this fantastic blog. I have been stewing over this most recent heartbreak for a little over a week now, and like every other girl, I have been over-analyzing everything. Every girl does this. Those of you who don't admit to it, are worse than those of us who do! Just an FYI...

Anyway, I started seeing this most recent boy (remember, I call them boys. Deal with it. They haven't proven their manliness to me) about a month and a half ago.  We had kind of known each other for the past7 years. I say kind of because we hadn't really talked much, but we did smile and pass the occasional flirtatious joke... He is in fact the manager at my family's favorite restaurant. Yeah, that will be awkward from now on. I'm not going to avoid eating my favorite potato crusted walleye dish just because he works there, duh.

 Well, thanks to today's nifty technology, we became friends on Facebook. Yes, I totally added him! Sometimes a girl needs to take matters into her own hands. One thing lead to another, and I commented on a status of his about my favorite red wine, Shiraz. Feel free to send some my way. Well, he was bold enough to ask for my number and then he asked me out on a date.  It was sweet. He sent me the endearing text messages reading, "I'm excited to see you." and "I think we are going to have a blast! Is is weird that I'm so excited?!" Yep, for a boy, he sure was good at making me smile like a little school girl.

On the night of our date, I met him at this little trendy place downtown GR. It is one of my favorite places to grab a nice bite to eat and a wonderful glass of wine.  We sat for 2 hours over a bottle of wine and tuna tartar and shared stories of high school, friends, and even past relationships.  It was so easy to talk to him.  His sarcasm flowed as freely as mine, and I felt completely comfortable with him.  We decided after we drained the very last drop of wine from the bottle that the date shouldn't end just yet, so we went next door to have a bottle of beer and watch the football game.  Ps. I'm obsessed with football, so this was awesome...

After that bottle of beer, once again, we decided the date couldn't end... yep, it was going that well! Eeekkk! I smile just thinking about it! So, we went to a bar closer to his house, so in case we needed to walk home, we could.  We're responsible.  Now, I know some of you are thinking, "well shit, no wonder why her dating life is a disaster... She gets drunk on first dates!" My response to that is simple, screw you.  Actually, I had no intention of getting drunk with him, but it did happen.  We talked and talked and talked over 5 or so glasses of PBR. Classy.

While we were walking back to his place, he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me in. It was really sweet.  It definitely got my heart racing, and for me, that is quite an accomplishment. I rarely get excited over guys I've dated.

Once we got back to his house, we decided to go in the basement and watch a movie together, and we basically ended up cuddling the whole time. Well, that is, until he kissed me... then we just kinda made out after that... For those who are wondering, heck yeah, he's a phenomenal kisser. AMAZING. INCREDIBLE. Okay, enough caps. You get the picture.

Yep, so I stayed the night.  NO! I am not a slut. We kept it extremely PG.  He gave me some of his sweats and gave me a sweet goodnight kiss, and that was that.  The next day, I had to go to an interview for an internship, so I drove him back to his car, and I drove in for my interview.

He texted me the entire day.  He sent texts telling me that he couldn't wait to see me again, and all the fun he had the night before.  It made me giddy! That next Friday, I went to see him again, and then I saw him again and again and again.... Each time was better than the last.  He even changed his work schedule so he could get off work early, so we could spend more time together.  Over Christmas break, I saw him a lot at first, and then Christmas night struck.  I call this D day. This the night where things started to go downhill after.

I am going to Washington DC for the entire summer for an internship.  Ironically, yes, it was the one I interviewed for the day after our first date.  Christmas night when I was with him, we were talking about summer and how he wanted me to spend the 4th with him on the lake that he grew up on, and how we couldn't wait for the warm days to come back. Then, I said the thing that changed it all, "It's going to be so much hotter in DC than here in MI. I can't wait to come home on the 4th and think that it's cold." Yep, that registered with him.

I was going to be gone for the summer.  He panicked.  Seriously, I saw him the Monday after Christmas, and I met his father, and then he fell off the face of the Earth. I saw him a week after that, and that was it.  Every time I tried to make plans with him, he would pass it off. He always told me that he wanted to see me before I went back to school, but alas, he didn't.

While all of this was going on, I was confused, hurt, upset and yes, definitely a little peeved... DUDE! Be a man and tell a girl what's going on! Good freaking lord, men say women are hard to read?!?! Psh, that's nothing when trying to decipher a guy.

This past Saturday, it was one of my best girlfriend's 21st birthday! Woot woot! Well, the boy was supposed to meet up with us at the bars, and he conveniently bailed on me. I got the "I'm really tired and I feel like crap" excuse. BULL! Don't put up a Facebook status that reads, "Out for the night! What to do now?" Seriously, moron?!?!?! Yep, awesome. You're an idiot.  So, after I sent some blatantly honest and bitchy texts, I returned to school, and now I have no clue where he and I are at.

Oh, did I mention that he was talking to an ex and they are possibly resolving issues? No? Must have left that out... yeah, way to make this girl feel sweet! Ugh, so now he texts occasionally and he's been commenting on my most recent Facebook status, and nothing appears to be wrong to him.

I don't get it. They really must be as dumb as everyone says.  I mean, good grief, you don't just start dating a girl and then leave it hanging in Never Never Land. We girls want answers! Lots of them. Even if they don't make us happy, they still give us closure.

The worst part of all of this, he still has one of my favorite shirts at his house, AND my pyrex dish! I want that dish back! It's perfect! Yeesh, what does a girl have to do?

So, now I'm back at my apartment.  I'm definitely feeling lonely and a little lost, but I keep thinking about that pyrex dish. Maybe this just means that I will feel better once I get that damn dish back. Aren't I the little Suzy homemaker!?!  I should be a southern sorority girl! NOT! Anyway, I'm sitting here thinking, "what if?" ya know? We all think that from time to time, I guess... It's frustrating as hell! I know this post isn't as exciting as the first, but I promise they will get better.

After this most recent crapshoot of a relationship, I was fed up and annoyed. So I started this blog.  This story is the reason for my blog.  Next time, I fully intend on sharing the story of my first "love." Yeah, I was in first grade. It didn't last long, but it is definitely a story that makes me laugh.  I leave you with this.

You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.
Dr. Seuss
Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That's relativity.
-- Albert Einstein

Friday, January 7, 2011


Well, after much discussion with some close girlfriends, I have decided to create a blog.  Yes, another blog by girl with a disasterous dating background.  No, I am not a professionally trained love expert, but maybe if I were, I would be able to avoid the ridiculous dating experiences that I have been privy to.  For those who are wondering, I am trying to stay as anonymous as possible (Partly due to the fact that if I meet that certain someone, I don't want him to think of me as some love crazed feminist. Wait, is that an oxymoron? Yes, probably). Anyway, for those of you who do know me, I promise you will figure it out sooner or later. Some of my stories are completely unique in their absurdity, and I have shared them before. 

My basis for starting this blog stems from my most recent dating blunder.  I'm frustrated, confused, and yes, pissed off.  This blog is not intended to be a rant, so I will try to stick with the comical stories that have been shared with me, my dating experiences, and my take on current/previous relationships I have witnessed.  For those of you who will be mentioned in this blog, I promise I will change your name.  If you have any ideas for what you want your name to be, email me.

I don't consider myself a supermodel, but I am confident enough to say that I am NOT a troll.  I am bold, outgoing, and extremely honest. Perhaps, that is why I have had issues in the dating department.  Anyway, recently, I have become more and more perplexed with challenges my girlfriends and I have faced in the dating realm.  I am also confident enough to say that those girls mentioned in my blog, are beautiful, intelligent, and unbelievably kind.  Trust me, if they weren't, I would tell you.  If anyone has stories they want me to share, please let me know! I know there are several of us out there.

As I see it, chivalry is dead.  I do not blame men (wait, let's call them boys. They have some serious growing up to do) completely. Yes, I do share the blame.  We no longer expect our dates to call us for a date (texting will do. Not!), we meet them for our dates, or worse, we meet them at their house! Yikes! I do this all the time! Don't even get me started on the subject of door opening.  Anyway, I do believe I am beginning to stray from my point.  This blog is intended to entertain readers, and hopefully others will be willing to share their experiences... It is my hope that my sarcasm and dry humor will seep through my writing, and provide readers with a giggle or two. Heck, I might even shoot for a rotfl (rolling on the floor laughing). With this, I leave you with a movie quote that suits the subject of my blog.

From the movie He's Just Not That Into You 

"Girls are taught a lot of stuff growing up. If a guy punches you he likes you. Never try to trim your own bangs and someday you will meet a wonderful guy and get your very own happy ending. Every movie we see, Every story we're told implores us to wait for it, the third act twist, the unexpected declaration of love, the exception to the rule. But sometimes we're so focused on finding our happy ending we don't learn how to read the signs. How to tell from the ones who want us and the ones who don't, the ones who will stay and the ones who will leave. And maybe a happy ending doesn't include a guy, maybe... it's you, on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over, freeing yourself up for something better in the future. Maybe the happy ending is... just... moving on. Or maybe the happy ending is this, knowing after all the unreturned phone calls, broken-hearts, through the blunders and misread signals, through all the pain and embarrassment you never gave up hope."